Monday 18 February 2019

Integrating Math and Chemistry

Integrating Math and Chemistry by exploring chemical change. The result was a  rather successful exothermic reaction...

Welcome To CBS Science Club 2019

What a fantastic start to Science Club for 2019

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Junior Scientists Busy making a model of a cloud

Busy Making a Model of a Cloud 

Today our eager junior scientists learnt all about clouds and what happens when too much water gathers and the cloud is a dark grey... 

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Science and Literacy

A great example of how science and literacy can be used in the classroom. Great work Room 26. Your information reports are FANTASTIC 

Making bouncy balls

Today at junior science club we explored chemical change by trying to make a bouncy ball. Last week we learnt that PVA glue goes off. So armed with a new batch of glue we tried again and this time we were successful! 

Monday 2 July 2018

Exploring Air

Room 18 Exploring how air moves and how the changes in the air temperature change how things... move.

Thursday 21 June 2018

Exploring Changes in Matter

Science club this week provided an opportunity to explore changes in matter, we had two types of ice (salt ice and freshwater ice ) We talked about the temperature and how water is still water when it's frozen.... lots of fun was had as we tasted the ice...We also got to use the new thermometers and noticed the salt ice was a little colder than freshwater ice. The salt ice was -1 degrees and the freshwater ice was 0 degrees.