Saturday 25 June 2016

Lighting up a Town

The Senior Science Club watched a video to see how shanty town houses in Manila can get light, not from electricity (expensive) or candles (too dangerous), but from soft drink bottles!  We spent the first session making a cardboard house . . . next week we will work on the light

 We used corrugated cardboard for the roof and painted it to look like a rusty iron roof. We filled a 2 litre soft drink bottle with water and bleach and secured it to the circular hole in the middle of the roof.  Then we transported the shanty house to the Library so the whole school could see what we had been doing, and maybe take a look.

Daniel couldn't wait to try it out - he was so keen, he didn't even take time to remove his his art shirt! You can see how much light filters down through the water, to light our cardboard hut.

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