Tuesday 6 March 2018

Welcome to 2018 and our exciting science blog

Our first session of 2018 involved exploring bubbles ...

First, we used different kinds of detergent to try and make a bubble mix. It was decided that shampoo didn't work well but the pink and green detergents made the best mixture. So what does the best mixture mean? We decided we wanted our mixture to make lots of bubbles and we didn't want them not to pop!

After lots of trial and error, the scientists agreed that mixture using either pink or green detergent made the best bubble mixture. Pipe cleaners were used to make bubble wands and some scientists tried using wands of different sizes... some of us felt that smaller wands made better bubbles and we wondered if the surface area made a difference to the bubble blown. A magic ingredient was added to the mixture, this allowed the bubbles to sit on our hands and the carpet, we noticed the bubbles didn't pop so easily ...

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